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南昌雅思考试培训班哪个学校好 雅思作文7分培训效果好吗

2017-12-16 21:50:35 浏览:74次

课程预约试听:13255697550 联系QQ:1443855227



具体地址及收费情况请拨打400课程电话预约:400-600-8827 13255697550,另外有各种班次具体请需要的家长来电咨询预约试听!




培训方式:小班 、一对一


直拨400课程预约VEPT测试【Versant English Placement Test】精准能力定位完全匹配!




  1. A Chip on Your Shoulder  耿耿于怀  No, this doesn’t mean that you’ve dropped part of your snack. To have a chip on one’s shoulder implies that the person is carrying around some grudge or bad feelings about something that happened in the past… like having walked through the wreckage of a building, and ended up with a chip of that building stuck to them for years afterward。
“To have a chip on one's shoulder”  指的是一个人对过去发生的事情怀有怨气或不良情绪....。

不要以貌取人  Things aren’t always what they appear to be at first glance, so it’s a good idea to give something a chance, even if its outward appearance isn’t immediately attractive。
  *The exception to this might be actual books that have hideous covers: those tend to be terrible all around, and in cases such as these, it’s best to contact the author or publisher and recommend a good graphic designer。
  8. When Pigs Fly  永无可能  This means “never”. Pigs aren’t about to sprout wings and take flight anytime soon, so if someone says to their kid that they can get a forehead tattoo when pigs fly, it’s not gonna happen。
所以如果有人这样对孩子说, 当猪能飞时就能在前额上纹身,意思是这样的事是不会发生的。
  9. A Leopard Can’t Change His Spots  江山易改,本性难移  Basically: you are who you are. Just like a leopard can’t concentrate really hard and change the pattern on its skin, people can’t change who they really are at heart。
  10. Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve  感情外露  To freely show and express all of your emotions, as though your heart were on the outside of your body。
  11. Bite Your Tongue!  保持安静  Stick your tongue between your teeth (gently), and then try to speak. You can’t say a word, can you? To bite one’s tongue means to stay quiet: literally to hold the tongue still so it can’t make a sound. This goes along with:  把舌头放在上下牙齿间(轻轻地),然后试着说话。
你一个字也说不出来,是吧?“To bite one's tongue”指的是保持安静:字面意思是让舌头静止不动,这样不会发出声音。
随之而来的是:  12. Put a Sock In It  闭嘴  The idea behind this is that if you stuffed a sock in your mouth, you’d be quiet… so if you tell someone to “put a sock in it”, you’re telling them to shut up。

所以如果你对别人说“put a sock in it”,你是告诉他们不要说话了。






如需了解更多课程详情,欢迎拨打我们的咨询电话:400-600-8827 13255697550 咨询QQ:1443855227

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